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Raymond Johnson
Dec 19, 2020
In Wɔd Dɛm fɔ Tide
Bota means boater, a type of hat Batɔ means to support Bɔta means butter
Raymond Johnson
Oct 10, 2020
In Wɔd Dɛm fɔ Tide
All of these words refer to problems with your foot that usually affect the big toe. Kakto is just any problem with your toe that causes you to lift it up when walking. It's the most general term since a simple wound or any of the other conditions can cause a kakto. Tobo is a specific type of swelling of the toe. Jiga is a type of flea that embeds its eggs in the toe. Grɔnij is caused by hookworm entering the foot. It sometimes used to refer to a cut under the toe.
Raymond Johnson
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